

Blog posts on all sorts of topics!

You’ll find blogs posts on all sorts of topics. Books I’ve read, places I’ve been, events I’ve attended, things I’ve done, people I’ve met or thoughts that cross my mind. There’s something for everyone.

What can you do when you can't train?

So what CAN you do when you CAN’T train? You do exactly that, you work out what you CAN do. Focusing on what you can’t do, really won’t help you. It won’t move you forwards.


We are living in unprecedented times

It’s been said a lot over the years ‘we live in unprecedented times’, for once I think we really do. The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t just impacting a subset of country or type of person, it isn’t discriminating - it’s a risk to the entire globe and it is invisible. 

Understandably, there are countless restrictions and adaptations that we are being asked to make to slow the spread of this virus. Those restrictions have come thick and fast. Today we have basically been told that we must remain in our houses and can go out once a day to do one type of exercise. No more than two people to gather. Things that just a few days ago we took for granted are now out of our reach. We are seeing the best in people, and the worst.

We will get through this, but I don’t think we or the world will be the same on the other side.

In the meantime, lives and plans are on hold. I know lots of people who had dared to dream big this year and attempt big sporting events, often a once in a lifetime goal. These people have, in many cases, being preparing and training diligently for some time. Suddenly, brutally, and with no prior warning, these dreams are at risk. 

Sports centres and other similar venues are closed. Gatherings of more than 2 people are prohibited. We are in a national emergency. Even training using our ‘once a day’ opportunity is realistically not sufficient for most people.

So that’s what we CAN’T do.  It’s OK to allow a few moments to be upset by what we can’t do, but that won’t move us forwards. It’s time to think about what we can do.


What can you do?

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There is always something that you can do. Even without a home gym, our houses are full of things that we can adapt for training. I’m fortunate in that I have set up a small home gym so that I can still do some land training. I am aware of people offering regular social media led training opportunities:

  • Geoff Gardiner is planning some live streams on some basic drills & exercises

  • Chris Leek is leading some online training

  • Guildford City Swimming Club are providing daily training opportunities for members and making these publicly available

  • My yoga teacher will be teaching via Instagram

  • The list goes on

This is the best in people. If you want ideas, let me know, I’ll signpost you where I can.

So, that takes care of the physical elements as best we can. But we all know that 80% of sport is mental. That we can also do ANYWHERE.


80% mental

Thanks to modern brain scanning technology, changes in brain activity when you actively imagine doing something can be monitored, and matched to what happens when you do something as opposed to imagine doing it. Visualising your sport still triggers the same parts of the brain as actually doing it.

Researchers have found that repeated mental imaging over time can even trigger significant muscle growth.

And, of course, many highly successful sportspeople testify to the value of mental rehearsal.

Nobody claims that you can just use your imagination and not bother with physical training, but in these unprecedented times, this is still a big thing that we can all do.

My offer to you

If you’ve used mental rehearsals before, then continue to do that. If you’ve used anchoring, again - that is brilliant. If this is new to you, then hypnosis alongside guided imagery may be something that you will find very useful. 

Use the link below to take you to my hypnosis download for mental imagery for sport. Use the code COVID and this will be free to download.


Additional support

These are difficult times. It’s OK not to be OK with all that is happening. I am here to support. If you find yourself with time on your hands and worries in your head, perhaps now is the time for some coaching or hypnosis support.

If you are still working and struggling with the changes to your pattern and loss of social interaction, again, I am here to help.

If you are impacted in some other way, or an unwelcome fear is showing itself, I am here to help.

If you want me to set up online social gatherings, I can do that. There are no restrictions to meeting virtually.

100% of what I do can be provided online, so no issues with social distancing.

Let’s focus on the positives and how you can use this time to your best advantage.

We will get through this. You don’t have to do this alone, together we are stronger.