We provide rapidly effective, premium and personalised Hypnotherapy and NLP to clients online globally, or in person in Surrey. We’ve helped clients just like you. Our qualifications and experience mean that you will be in incredibly safe and capable hands.
We understand how anxiety and panic-attacks can take their toll. Even the thought of rising anxiety or a potential panic attack can magnify these feelings. We combine our experience with powerful tools such as Hypnotherapy, NLP and Timeline Therapy to assist you. *
How would it feel to be calmer, reduce your anxiety and panic attacks?
We hope this page answers some of your questions. And if there’s one you’d like us to answer and want to know more about how we work with clients who experience anxiety, we offer a free 20 minute consultation. Book your free consultation now to find out more.
“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.”
We understand anxiety - Panic attacks and anxiety can be very specific, e.g. meeting new people, giving a presentation and preparing for a sporting event. Equally, anxiety can happen anywhere. Whether a specific trigger or a generalised anxious feeling, you can experience a variety of symptoms including a racing heart, feeling restless or an overwhelming sense of doom. It is, however, possible to work through these feelings.
We deal with the cause and the effect – Anxiousness and panic have root causes. With powerful techniques such as NLP and Time Line Therapy®, it’s possible to remove that root and resolve the feelings and memories that are making you anxious and panicky.
Learn how to be calmer – Hypnotherapy and NLP can empower you to be able to be calm, which helps override anxiety. Hypnotherapy allows your automatic (or unconscious) behaviour to be different after your sessions. NLP can enable you to be consciously aware of knowing how to be more confident and in control.
Thinking about it doesn’t work – As you probably know, trying to make yourself ‘not be anxious’, can make the problem worse. ‘Just pull yourself together’ is probably one of the least helpful things that someone can say to you. We call on experts to help with all sorts of tasks from home improvements to hairdressers, sometimes we need an expert to support us with anxiety and panic.
Emma has not only held a senior corporate career in a high pressure environment, she is also a channel swimmer (definitely an extreme sport). Both are very different and both have the potential to be high pressure environments. At times Emma has felt the pressure in these environments and so has a real understanding of some of the pressures that you may be facing and how these can trigger an increase in anxiety and panic.
After booking your appointment, you’ll complete some pre-session work and keep a diary of times that you felt anxious or had a panic attack. This will help us start to understand your situation and tailor the session to your needs. In the session itself we will use detailed goals and a combination of techniques as appropriate for your situation.
We aim to:
Resolve any underlying memories or issues that may be triggering your anxiety
Work on any beliefs that you have about your ability to be calm instead of anxious
Replace any internal negative self-talk with a positive version
Create a simple action that you can use to automatically boost your confidence when you need it. This is called an anchor.
You’ll learn to imagine seeing, hearing and feeling yourself being full of confidence. This is called visualisation and it is a technique used by very successful people including athletes, actors and senior executives.
We are used to working with clients on minimising anxiety and building confidence. The experience that we have and the tools that we use mean that most clients need just 1-2 sessions to see significant results.
We will put 100% effort into working with you and your unique situation. The techniques that we are trained to use are very powerful. Success, as with all therapy types, varies from client to client and there can be no guarantee of success.
Your session will be 60-90 minutes long. The price for this is £315 per session. Availability is limited and if you would like to know more about how we can help you, please do get in touch now.
If it’s time for you to find the best version of you, why don’t you arrange a free exploratory call? We’re here to help you get more of what you want.
* Please be aware that whilst we will apply all our knowledge and skills, we can’t guarantee success as results may vary from person to person. NB no decent therapist would be able to give a cast iron guarantee.