
Online hypnotherapy


 The world has changed a lot since COVID-19 came along. Like it or not, there were changes forced upon us.

This invisible threat has led to an understandable increase in anxiety and panic attacks. If this is you, you are not alone. Everyday issues like changes in exercise routines, eating habits, where and when we work have also had an impact on our physical wellbeing and relationships. There have been unhelpful emotions appear like fear and guilt. Some area dealing with grief for the loss of loved ones or a way of life that no longer exists.

We had loss of liberty, loss of holidays, we missed events or something that we’d planned was delayed or cancelled. Some lost their jobs or had to deal with the uncertainty of furlough.

The pandemic is so much more than a virus. It affected us all in different ways.

TIme marches on and some things are returning to normal, or close to it. The pandemic has also enabled us to find new ways of doing things that were actually better than before, these are ones that we choose to keep.

That sounds like a long preamble to explain that I have adapted and now offer all my services online as well as in person. That’s partially true. I do indeed offer all of my services online. The thing is, I always have! That’s one area where there is no change for me. What is different is the number of people who are choosing to work with me in this way.

You may be curious as to whether hypnotherapy, TimeLine therapy and the other services I offer can be as good when delivered online as when we are face to face.

The simple answer is yes.

  • Yes, you’ll receive the same hypnotherapy experience and expertise from the comfort of your home as you would if you visited me in my office.

  • Yes, you can expect to have / you will have exactly the same results online as you would in person.

  • And yes, those results will happen within exactly the same timeframe.

I specialise in treating issues around anxiety, phobias and fears. I help you build confidence.

So, wherever you are in the world, I am here for you.

If you’re local to me, we can meet in person or online.

If you’re further afield or just prefer the convenience of working together online, then that’s fine too.