

Blog posts on all sorts of topics!

You’ll find blogs posts on all sorts of topics. Books I’ve read, places I’ve been, events I’ve attended, things I’ve done, people I’ve met or thoughts that cross my mind. There’s something for everyone.

Posts tagged COVID
May - settling into a new normal

Settling into the new normal. In this blog I reflect on what May was like for me and review some of the world Coronavirus headlines for the month. It seems I did an awful lot of cycling on my new e-bike!

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April - another month in lockdown

We started the month in lockdown and that is how it also ended. This is our new normal for now.

Video conferencing has become normal. Cycling has replaced swimming. The statistics that we see each day are hard to comprehend. The NHS workers are our new heroes. Queuing at the supermarket has become normal. We are lucky to enjoy our ‘Once a Day’ exercise opportunity.

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COVID-19 Invisible impacts

I’ve never seen anything quite like the world we find ourselves in. Real and heartbreaking loss is evident all around. We’re getting used to a new and very different world.

Not all loss is so visible though. Sometimes we lose things that we never actually had, but reasonably expected that we would have. What have you noticed. Here I talk through some of the invisible impacts as I see them.

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Looking back at March - Wow what a month!

The month when the world changed.

We went from complete freedom to lockdown. Carefully made plans evaporated. Our superheroes are the front line workers. We have become accustomed to daily briefings from inside 10 Downing Street. Flights have grounded. The roads are quiet. We have a deadly and invisible enemy and he knows no boundaries.

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