
Overcome negativity



You weren’t born negative, so what happened?

Negative patterns are drilled into us by people and circumstances throughout our lives.

Our clients have all sorts of self-critical beliefs, including:

  • I’m not good enough

  • People always let you down

  • That won’t work

  • They won’t be interested in me

  • They’re only saying that to be nice or because they want something

Have you ever considered the possibility that it isn’t your voice saying these things?

It could be someone else’s voice:

  • A parent (and this could have been passed down multiple generations)

  • A teacher’s

  • A friend’s

  • A partner’s

  • A colleague / manager’s

No one is born negative.

Children are inquisitive sponges. They see wonder in everything. Their imaginations are played out with toys and other objects. They find cardboard boxes as much fun as the contents of them. They touch everything. They love unconditionally. They take their favourite toy everywhere.

No question is too silly. ‘Why?’ is a way of learning.

There’s no negative voice in their head telling them ‘I can’t’. They don’t think ‘I can’t jump over that puddle’ or ‘I’ll look silly in that outfit’.



So you’re not an innately negative person, you just ‘caught’ someone else’s negativity somewhere along the line. And this means you can break your poor thinking habits and reveal the real you. The ‘you’ you were as a young child, when anything was possible.

How different would your life be if you’d always tried instead of always thinking the worst? If you’d gone for everything within your reach and taken those opportunities, instead of imagining what could have gone wrong?

When negativity is turned inwards

Being negative about things around us is one thing, but when we become negative about ourselves then we are at risk of real unhappiness and loss of potential.

Most people are not comfortable with their own sense of hopelessness or chronic self sabotage.

Becoming convinced that you're right to be so pessimistic

Mike wouldn’t believe the idea that he needed to do anything about his outlook. I often reflected on Mike over the years, sometimes recognising his voice in my head when I was tempted to give up on someone or some endeavour, believing it to be hopeless - when it wasn’t really.

To protect yourself from the miserable-Mike outlook, we've created this 10 steps course to overcome negativity.



Each session within this masterclass tackles one important facet of negative thinking in detail, with lots of thought-provoking information and exercises to help you get an understanding of how your own thought processes and reactions have been shaped and what you can, practically, do about it.

This is all reinforced with a series of hypnosis downloads to help you more easily absorb and integrate new behaviour patterns and helpful mental attitudes that will benefit every aspect of your life.



1) Stop Negative Thinking Now.

Learn to stop negative thoughts before they start.

2) Beat the Everyday Blues

Learn to let go of pervasive worry and relax into better everyday mood.

3) Self Sabotage

Stop listening to your own negative 'hype'.

4) Stop Complaining

Break the complaining habit and learn to relax with imperfections and irritations. Switch off your ‘auto-complaint’ switch, letting you consciously choose your battles and to relax with the imperfections of life at other times.

5) Dealing with Disappointment

Build in flexibility to your expectations and manage disappointment and set-back gracefully. Learn how to manage your expectations better so they’ll be much more realistic, meaning you won’t constantly be feeling let down.

6) Dealing with Guilt

Break the pattern of feeling guilty or ashamed, and take a new view.

7) See the best in others

Move from viewing others with cynicism and suspicion to a more realistic and sympathetic understanding. You will learn how to develop and enhance your capacity to judge people neutrally, not negatively, until you get to know them.

8) No Regrets

Stop wallowing in your past and start learning from your experiences and move on. Learn to stop getting so caught up in focusing on the losses and errors of your past, so you can concentrate on the present and the future.

9) Improve Your Mood

Relax deeply and cast-off black moods. Learn to use your unconscious mind to bring forth a new, more relaxed, more upbeat emotion. You’ll also gain perspective on whatever was making you feel bad.

10) No Excuses

Develop a deeper honesty and truthfulness with yourself and take full responsibility for what you do. Understand your own and others' motivations more clearly.



How much better will you feel on a daily basis when negativity isn’t dragging you backwards all the time?

How much will your relationships improve when you’re much more fun to spend time with?

What will you feel able to attempt once you're no longer sabotaging yourself?

Negativity seeps into us until it affects everything we see, think and do. Which is why a solid solution that tackles thoughts where they happen - the subconscious - is what’s needed to solve this problem for good.



Each point that we work on will include some materials to work through and exercises to do.

Each fortnight we’ll have a group zoom call to answer any questions that you have on the materials you’ve worked through so far and to discuss this week’s work. We often find that by working through these materials as a group and sharing our learnings, that we learn faster and come to realise that we’re not all that different afterall.

In between sessions you can ask any questions that you have in our exclusive Facebook group.

Once you have finished the masterclass you’ll be moved into an Alumni facebook group and you’ll continue to have access to the materials and hypnosis recordings.

It’s your time now…

And I can’t wait to help you break free of these self-limitations …

Are you ready to make a step change in your life with one of our Master Classes? If the answer is YES, use the form below to find out when the masterclass is running next. Speak soon!