“Our biggest limit is not in what we want and cannot do; it is in what we have never considered that we can do”
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming:
In other words..
Learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!
NLP was founded in 1976 by a linguistics Professor John Grinder and Dr Richard Bandler, who was a computer scientist. They looked at what were the most effective models of therapy & therapists that existed at that time. These were:
Milton Erickson – the world famous father of modern Hypnotherapy
Virginia Satir – a family therapist specialising in very complex cases
Fritz Perls – the originator of Gestalt therapy
They examined all of the processes, attitudes and behaviours used by these three therapists in order to get the extraordinary results that they had with their clients. They noticed there were certain common aspects that each did, as well as techniques unique to each style of therapy. Bandler & Grinder modelled this and created what we know as NLP today.
By understanding these models of success, they were able to combine what they saw and create new models that built on each of the key learnings. By doing this, they were able to find far quicker ways to deal with issues that people just like you had, meaning that it’s now possible to deal with problems very quickly and often more rapidly than other types of therapy.
Today, very famous and successful people utilise NLP. Paul McKenna uses NLP at the core of what he does so successfully, as does the biggest name in personal development, Tony Robbins.
And as the basis of NLP is about improvement and seeking excellence, it continues to grow and evolve to accommodate new models of excellence.
We also use NLP in conjunction with the other therapies we use, such as Hypnotherapy and TimeLine Therapy.
If you have a question you’d like us to answer and would like to know more about how we can help you, we offer all clients a free 20-minute complimentary consultation. Call us on 0845 139 9879 or fill in the quick contact form.
IBS – a client had a belief that ‘I am crap’ which was literally manifesting itself. By removing this limiting belief we were able to also relief her of her physical symptoms
Eyesight - a client was a psychic but didn’t want to be and didn’t want to see the visions that she saw, so she subconsciously impacted her own eyesight (which didn’t have any impact on reducing ‘visions’). Once we dealt with that she was able to let go of the glasses once and for all.
Unable to move forward with business our client had a limiting belief that she was responsible for other people’s happiness and this was holding her back from pursuing her own goals. Once we dealt with this limiting belief she was able to move forward with her business whilst also becoming a happier version of herself which her friends and family noticed and liked.