“People do not come into therapy to change their past but their future”
Time Line Therapy™ (TLT) is a hypnotic approach created by Tad James. It derives from NLP and is based on the concept that our unconscious mind stores memories in a linear pattern (like a timeline). Simply put, this timeline is a mental photo album of our life.
Time Line Therapy™ provides powerful processes and techniques for personal change and growth by helping the client remove any of the painful emotions attached to a particular memory or event.
TimeLine Therapy focuses on what can be learnt from the past events and how to utilise these as a resource for a positive future. It's said that TLT techniques and processes support long-lasting transformation quicker than other therapies, with minimal discomfort to the client.
The emotions associated with certain memories or experiences will vary for individuals. However, common examples of ‘painful emotions’ include:
Time Line Therapy™ is considered a particularly useful approach in helping people overcome symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. TLT achieves effective results quickly.
Time Line Therapy™ can also help clients work past any limiting beliefs that are keeping them in the past and preventing them from living their best life. Unwanted negative emotions and feelings, and limiting beliefs can have a huge affect on our lives. TLT supports the client through the journey, supporting them on every hurdle.
Traditional talking therapies have the client relive the painful memories over and over again. TLT allows you to release these emotions and negative beliefs without having to relive them allowing you to move forward once and for all.
Often, Time Line Therapy™ is used in conjunction with hypnotherapy and NLP to create a powerful and unique therapeutic model.
One advantage of Time Line Therapy™ is how it enables the client to let go and clear all the chains of an emotion, rather than focus on one at a time. For example, imagine the client is experiencing anger problems. TLT can support the 'letting go process' and help eliminate all anger from the past, not the one feeling attached to the particular event or memory. In other words, Time Line Therapy™ helps clients release anger from the root cause.
In Time Line Therapy™, only the negative emotions and feelings attached to the memories are dealt with and released. Our memories are our history and are an important part of who we are.
TLT is an invaluable technique in helping people resolve negative emotional issues from the past and let go of limiting beliefs and decisions that may prevent positive progression. Examples of limiting beliefs include, “I don’t deserve it”, “I can’t do it” and “I’m not good enough”.
As well as enabling clients to let go of these negative feelings, Time Line Therapy™ can support clients on their journey to achieve any goals they have for the future.
Time Line Therapy™ is particularly effective in easing stress and anxiety-related issues. For example, anxiety can be treated using Time Line Therapy™ although the method is different to other negative emotions. Anxiety is often understood as a fear of the future. While fear is treated in the method of letting go of the negative emotion, TLT for anxiety asks the client to imagine being above their timeline. While floating above, they are asked to go to the point where the anxiety has reduced and the event causing the anxiety has been completed. By viewing the endpoint rather than focusing on the event itself, the feelings of anxiety can reduce.
As well as using TimeLine Therapy to resolve negative emotions and limiting beliefs, it can also be extremely powerful as a goal setting tool. Instead of floating above the timeline and going to past events to remove negative emotions and limiting beliefs, we focus on the future and place a SMART goal in your future time line and use powerful techniques to bring it to life, allowing your unconscious mind to adjust events from now until then to allow you to successfully and easily achieve your goal.