“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.”
Are you looking to make your next step change? People who look for coaching are often already successful and want more success. Perhaps you feel a bit stuck and need a little boost. Do you have some unhelpful beliefs that are holding you back?
Does all this apply to someone in your team?
The fact that you are reading this means you already understand – as do the likes of CEOs of the world’s biggest companies, that it is no longer a question in today’s world of whether you can afford to have a coach, but whether you can afford NOT to.
A coach will allow you to find and release the very best version of you.
What is important for you in this moment is whether or not you are ready to confront and address the entirety of your situation with honesty and sincerity. If you are, coaching with Paddlefish Panda can produce the best Return On Investment in yourself you will ever achieve. Furthermore, coaching with Paddlefish Panda will help you answer those questions that you are struggling with. The ones where, deep down inside, you realise that there is more to be considered than a simple pros and cons list.
A lot of coaches will tell you that it requires a great deal of hard work to achieve anything, others will tell you it is so easy you can do it all with your eyes shut. The truth is that yes, you do need to put in the work to get the results. You’ve probably experienced being let off the hook throughout your career, and perhaps that’s why you’ve not quite achieved all that you know you are capable of. We’ll hold you to account to get the results that you deserve. However, good business coaching should not to make you feel like you are having to push an additional large rock up the hill of life – instead the energy and excitement that comes from anticipating the changes and possibilities ahead of you should pull you forwards and upwards almost by itself.
You’ll find all sorts of information below, and if you’d rather just have a chat about how we can work together, simply use the booking system on this page to book a free exploratory call at a time that suits you, or drop me an email. I look forward to meeting you!
The benefits to the individual
Preparation for role/career changes and joining the board
Methods of managing stress, change, conflict or crisis
Enhancing personal impact and performance
Identifying solutions to specific work-related issues
Increased openness to personal learning and development
The benefits to the organisation
Greater commitment and buy-in from directors and senior managers
Retaining talent and keeping staff engaged
More creative outlook in business planning
Improved management of other staff
Building positive relationships between people and departments
Facilitating the adoption of a new culture in your business
1. Assess - A 30-minute exploratory call to identify your specific coaching needs
2. Choose your option - Decide whether you want to use our tried and tested ‘Get a Life’ programme or bespoke coaching
3. Prepare - Identify whether any other diagnostics would be useful
4. Implement - Your coaching sessions will take place in a safe, comfortable environment, either in person or online, over a period of dates/times that are convenient for you
5. Reflect/Debrief - Evaluate, determine success and determine next steps
6. Perform - Take your career to the next level
Year-long ‘Get a life’ programme.
We’d follow a set methodology across ten sessions that are monthly. It tends to take a year for most people once you take into account holidays / illness etc. Each session is typically 2 hours. The first session may be slightly longer.
The first session is key. We’ll cover the following:
Coaching frames: I’ll explain a few key concepts that we’ll likely refer to over and over again.
Purpose in life: we’ll go through a process to uncover your core purpose in life. We’ll come up with a theme that best describes the driving force in your life that you can regularly review and that provides you with a strong emotional charge each time you read it. Your life purpose will be something so big it will take your life’s work.
Spinning plates: the theory behind this is that everything that is incomplete in your life drains energy from you and your success. Like keeping spinning plates in the air – all incomplete things drain energy from your purpose.
Wheel of life: an opportunity to look at how balanced your life is and where improvements may be useful.
Second and subsequent sessions:
We’ll work through your values in each aspect of life, starting with career. By understanding your purpose and your values this gives you the why you do what’s important to you. We can use these values to create motivation in the goals that you choose. How you do something will be aligned to how you work when you work at your best. We’ll set very well formed goals using what you do best and aligned with your values and your life purpose. Your goals are your what. We’ll also break this goal down into component parts including the one thing you can do right now to take you forward. We’ll repeat this for each other area of your life. Midway through we’ll review the wheel of life.
In each session there will be identified actions for you to complete and I will hold you to account for the actions that we agree together.
Tailored coaching
If you have specific requirements about the scope of coaching that you want, we can explore what that looks like for you over an exploratory call.
Motivational Maps (™)
If you want to add a little more to the mix, why not consider adding a Motivational Map to your plan. This will give you a moment in time review of what is driving and draining your motivation and some small changes could give real boosts to your motivation. This can be repeated mid-way through our engagement or at then end, should you wish.
You bring your hopes, dreams, desires and an open mind. I’ll bring my 30+ years of experience in a variety of roles in public sector, mid-sized companies and FTSE 10 companies and blend this with my NLP coaching and together we can build a plan.
Location: We can meet in person or online
Are you ready for your world to change?