13th May 2007: Dover Training
I started the week still on the positive high from last week's training camp, but quickly starting suffering from fatigue so I have come to the conclusion that it's not training that tires me out but work instead!! I'm starting to be much more pro-active about protecting my personal time.
According to Alison Dover was 12C, although the harbour website showed 10/11. It was freezing, I have never been so cold in my life!! My feet hurt from the pebbles/shingles. Sunday was chucking it down with rain - it really makes you question your sanity as you change in a bus shelter wearing a bright pink dressing gown spilling most of your hot chocolate down you due to shivering!!
I'm so glad we did Malta or I would seriously consider giving up now.
Back to earth with a bump - the reality of English summer time!