


I have chosen not to deal with typical areas like addictions or weight loss.  I’ve chosen to specialise in those point issues that many of us acquire from time to time.  Phobias, mental blocks – those sorts of things.  I tell people that it tends to take 2-3 sessions to resolve an issue, but that you should expect to see a difference in a single session.

I have found that most things have a common root cause and that is that there is a part of us that is trying to protect us, the problem is that the way that the part protects us is actually causing us an issue and not protecting us at all!  What we do is look for a way to fulfil the same protection need but in a way that doesn’t get in the way.

Example issues resolved:

  • Sea sickness – single session resolved

  • Fear of knee dislocations preventing keeping up with rehab after surgery when the surgery had actually prevented dislocations – single session enabled the person to get back on track

  • Issue with runner who had issues following multiple car shunts.  The physical issues had resolved but fears prevented pain free running.  One session led to massive improvement in speed and comfort

  • Migraines – a very regular issue and using pretty strong prescribed medication.  Single session and now rarely uses medication.

  • Fear of riding her horse following a nasty fall.  Single session enabled her to ride again

  • Fear of swimming in deep water and in the dark.  Single session.  Subsequently did a night swim and a channel relay.

Hypnotherapy works best for binary issues - i.e. when you have a single well understood challenge to resolve. Where there are multiple issues or a feeling that you know that you need support with ‘something’ but you can’t quite put a finger on it, then I would recommend a breakthrough session.

Pricing:  £150 per session or £400 for 3 sessions or £650 for 5 sessions (typically only those who have a shopping list of issues).


Leaving Dover Harbour for the start of my 2018 English Channel Solo swim

Leaving Dover Harbour for the start of my 2018 English Channel Solo swim

Endurance Athletes Hypnosis Audio

If you are an endurance athlete, this is for you!

Channel swims, marathons, triathlons and indeed all kinds of long distance events make heavy demands on the participants. A 100 meter sprint is one thing, all over in a few seconds, but to keep going for hours and hours and hours requires deep reserves of strength, stamina and determination.

This Endurance Training Hypnosis recording is there to help you use the power of the unconscious mind to dramatically boost your inner resources to make the most of your training beforehand and to be successful during your long distance event.

The introduction explains the mental and emotional blocks that can get in the way of successful training, and how to deal with the challenges that anyone in training for long distance events will encounter.

Let my voice go with you into a deep state of relaxation where you can allow your mind to take the positive learnings and incorporate them into your training and events. The more you listen to the recording, the more embedded the messages will be.

Health warning - make sure you are sitting somewhere quiet, where it is appropriate to listen to a hypnotic recording. Do not listen to this whilst driving.

This is my gift to you. Enjoy!

Get in touch if there are other areas where I could support you.