Breakthrough Session

Personal Breakthrough

A breakthrough session is a super-charged intensive one day personal or professional coaching session to discover what holds you back – and eliminate it!

Each session is completely unique based on your specific needs and aimed at whatever personal or professional changes you want to make. The work starts before we meet with a detailed questionnaire and some other specific pre-work. Then, when we meet, I’ll start by asking you lots of questions aimed at uncovering pertinent issues; some of which you may not even have been aware of! We’ll get to the root cause of any self-limiting beliefs, or feelings that are holding you back, then we work on eliminating them. 

If you are reading this, there is a high likelihood that there is something unresolved or missing from your life. You may not be quite satisfied in all areas of life and have a nagging, repeating feeling that unless things change, your future will be much the same as the past. A breakthrough session creates the momentum to propel you into achieving a more desirable future. We can even plant your goals into your future so that you are naturally compelled to achieve them.


What could a breakthrough session do for me?

Having a breakthrough session is a rapid way to get your life in order and, since the session takes several hours, a great sense of purpose generated and quantum leaps in your thinking appear. Unresolved issues, as well as identified problems are all dealt with. There is a renewed sense of confidence and motivation to move your life in the direction you want it to go in. Clients notice major improvements in how they think and act, they feel unburdened by doubts and anxieties.

Breakthrough sessions are particularly suitable for:

  • Stress, anxiety, depression

  • Emotional issues

  • Improving self-confidence

  • Improving career development and progression and/or change of career

  • Feelings of inertia in any area of life: relationships, career, family, health and well-being, spirituality

  • Developing a sense of inner balance, self-confidence, self-acceptance, motivation and direction.

A breakthrough session negates the need to wait to have a series of sessions and it’s not traditional talking therapy. With today’s busy life-styles and heavy workloads, it only requires one day out for you to let go of all that hinders you. Why wait any longer when you can make a leap forward in a single day.


How does a breakthrough session work?

We make use of the world’s most powerful personal development techniques including neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy® and hypnosis. These techniques allow direct contact with the part of the mind that stores our emotions, memories and habits – the unconscious mind. Before the session is booked, I find that clients are often aware of their conscious values and beliefs about themselves, but when we dig deeper, we uncover your deeply unconscious values which drive your thinking and actual behaviour. By aligning your conscious and unconscious thought patterns, you will gain congruence in all that you do, driving you towards your goal.

The sessions are very personalised and the length can vary. Typically, a breakthrough session is approximately 5-8 hours, working one to one. We can do this in a single session face to face or over two sessions online.

We’ll start with an initial call to discuss what you want to get from the session. When we meet we will start the process with a set of questions designed to root out your thoughts and feelings, providing the underlying issues, as well as those that are surfacing. Once we have uncovered all key issues, we will switch the focus to eliminating them. You will likely gain clarity and enjoy ‘aha’ moments along the way! You’ll leave the session knowing that your biggest issues have been resolved, knowing that you can achieve your biggest aspirations.


Follow on coaching

Following the breakthrough session, you have three one hour coaching sessions available to you. These are there to deal with any issues or reflections that come up after the session.  


You see significant change in all aspects of your life. We’ll remove unwarranted negative emotions like anger, fear or guilt. We’ll remove any limiting beliefs that are identified.

You will be glad you made this investment in you.

Pricing:  £2,400 (incl VAT) includes the breakthrough session and follow up coaching sessions.