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Overcoming fear of driving over bridges

Overcoming fear of driving over bridges


A gentle hypnosis audio to help you overcome your fear of driving over bridges

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Does the thought of driving over a bridge fill you with fear or panic?

Would you rather drive the long way round, rather than drive over a bridge?

You probably think that you are 'the only one' with such a phobia, but it is surprisingly common. Many people who have no other phobias freeze up when it comes to driving on bridges, even when they themselves are not afraid of heights.

Bridge = anxiety

Quite simply, your brain has learned to associate anxiety with bridges, and even if you think it is 'irrational', your unconscious mind still creates a fear response when it perceives you are about to drive over one.

Using hypnosis, we can gently re-educate your unconscious mind so that you no longer respond with instinctive fear, but instead with the disinterest, or even excitement, that most people feel in this situation.

The thought of being relaxed whilst driving across a bridge probably feels impossible to you, but you will be amazed after listening to the Overcome Fear of Driving over Bridges hypnosis session.