Paddlefish Panda

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Additional support options after your training camp

For the channel swimming enthusiasts amongst you, we are now heading into that time of year when the training camps are taking place in beautiful locations like Mallorca and Croatia. All the best of luck if you are going. I have always found them hugely enjoyable and a great boost at the very start of the season.

What happens after that?

Well of course there is Dover training which I'll be organising again starting the first weekend in May and through to the end of September.

What are your options if you want a little more support?

If you really enjoyed the company of the people you met on your training camp, why not keep the team spirit going and sign-up for one of my masterclasses as a group. The masterclasses are for 6-12 swimmers, which could work very neatly based on how many people attend these training camps. If there are spaces left you could also encourage other friends you know to also join the same group.

If you’re not in a group already, let me put you in a group with others who apply directly.

What to expect:

  • Fortnightly 1 hour Zoom calls. Or if you prefer, 30 minutes on a weekly basis. This is an ideal chance to discuss any challenges you come up against in training - logistical / motivational etc. So much of the content will be led by you, the power of a team can be the difference that makes the difference. I’ll be there to answer any questions you have and will also provide practical content on key topics like feeding & packing on the big day (as examples).

  • If you want a group hypnotherapy session at any point, that can be arranged.

  • WhatsApp group there to enable banter and discussion at any point

What’s not included is individual one to one support. I am able to support this as one-off consultations or hypnotherapy sessions (if that is more appropriate) or part of an Event Preparation package.

The cost is £50 per person per month. There may be some sessions where it would be useful for your support crew to join, there would be no charge for your support crew.

Your swims are likely to be spread out across the season with some of you finished way before others. For this to work well for the whole group I ask that you commit to continuing with the group until the final person has completed their swim. Your experience will be valuable.

I can support these masterclasses in evenings and during the day on Fridays. Clearly, I will have limited capacity at popular times, so enquire early to get your preferred slot, ~ 07702 814690

PS - see some of you in Croatia!