Paddlefish Panda

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Some things you didn't know about me and a special hypnosis offer

In the last blog I told you about how I came to be a channel swimmer and involved in supporting people achieve amazing things.  In this blog I thought I’d share a few more random things that you may not know about me

1.    The last school report I received in junior school said, ‘sport is not Emma’s forte’. I think I’ve proved that one wrong with a healthy collection of sporting achievements and qualifications!

2.    My first job was in a veterinary hospital

3.    I seem to have caught the 05:29 train from Woking too many times.  Who’d have thought that sharing my travel plans would cause such a following.  It took ages to realise that the photos I took all had a similarity. #Mr0529

4.    My first sport was trampolining

5.    I’ve held coaching qualifications in trampolining, diving, football, lacrosse and swimming

6.    I’ve done the Stratosphere jump (829ft above the Las Vegas strip)

7.    I have 3 children (all adults now) 

8.    I am a qualified accountant and hold an MBA

9.    I have an issue with the word ‘but’ (ask me about it sometime!)

10.  I don’t like tomatoes or cheese

11. I do, unfortunately, like chocolate

12.  I work for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.  I also run a business that is just me.

13.  I am one of the lucky minority who have survived Ovarian cancer (the silent killer).  I love being able to live life to the full.

14.  I seem to have an inability to say no, and that has led me to many challenges that were way outside my comfort zone. These have given me some of the best learning and growth opportunities, in so many more ways than I could have ever predicted.

I have a string of academic, business and sporting achievements, yet I also have the same insecurities and doubts as the next person.  I’ve known success and defeat.  I may well have stood in the position you are in.

If you need support, contact me at or call me on 07702 814690.

Special offer 

I have another special offer for you, I’m offering a massive 75% discount off a one-hour consultation that may include hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a great way to access your potential. If you’ve ever watched a stage show you may have seen people do things that they couldn’t do when they weren’t hypnotised (e.g. pitch perfect singing).  The hypnosis didn’t teach them that, it did release whatever barriers prevented it. What barriers do you put in your way? 

I can show you how to achieve rapid and lasting change in your life using hypnosis and other techniques to facilitate change at an automatic level.

Working with me you will discover how to:

  • Lose unnecessary habits, doubts, phobias and fears.

  • Gain the body you desire.

  • Put your feelings about the past behind you.

  • Improve performance in your business, personal and social life.

  • Master your emotions and take charge of your life.

  • Lift

This approach to changing your life is not analytical and does not involve weeks or months of talking about the past. Instead we establish what you want and use hypnosis to help you get the results you want.

For specific problems we typically begin with a consultation on the telephone or Skype. This is followed by one or two sessions face-to-face and followed up with ongoing support if necessary. Hypnosis when used in conjunction with other techniques, will help you look at, and if necessary, change, how you think, and what you do around the problem. Sometimes one session is all it takes, sometimes it takes more than that.  If I don’t think I can help you, I will let you know and may be able to suggest someone else.  Your expectation should be to benefit from the very first session you have with me. Our contact will therefore vary to suit your needs especially if they include ongoing personal development, have long term goals or a list of things you wish to change. 

If you wish to swiftly change unwanted behaviours in yourself, gain confidence and motivation, lose your fears and achieve your physical and mental potential then I can show you how.

If you would like to find out more about this offer or take me up on it, email now on or call me on 07702 814690. This offer is only available to the first six people who apply.

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