Executive and Performance Coaching
At Paddlefish Panda we are all about helping you and your teams achieve amazing things. Performance coaching is at the core of what we do. Our team has a blend of backgrounds and qualifications that can be used to meet your requirements.
With the right coach, you can achieve amazing results whether in your business, career, or in sporting endeavours.
I get why many companies have a customer focus, the customer is what keeps the company alive after all. Yet, I still think it’s misplaced. If you have a people focus and help your people be the best that they can be, they will in turn delight your customers with amazing customer service and perform better than you could have ever imagined.
We work with organisations and individuals. If you have a big challenge or a big dream and you’re not quite sure where to start, we have options for you.
Then there’s the Paddlefish Panda magic - we like to bring a little fun & creativity to the mix. We take results seriously, not life.
Book your free exploratory call today.
You may have already seen all the services that we have on offer. Choice is a great thing. We appreciate that it can also be confusing.
To assist in your decision making we have created a positioning grid which covers many of the services we offer. You’ll probably already know if you’re looking for support in resolving a problem or creating more success in your life. Perhaps it’s a bit of both.
Paddlefish Panda specialises in the top part of the grid (we are results oriented) and we can help you with your roadblocks and getting more success in the complex jigsaw that is your life.
People often come to coaching because they are motivated to achieve more success, and they need some help in finding the right direction. They need someone who will hold them to account for the agreements that have been made (as often we are let off the hook throughout our lives to date). They need someone to ask the questions that they weren’t expecting but needed to be asked. Occasionally, there are blockers that we need to work through using a breakthrough session.
Breakthrough sessions
We find personal breakthrough sessions incredibly rewarding. It’s a real privilege to see someone have that ‘aha’ moment when the penny drops and they see the root cause that’s been holding them back, it’s always simple. Suddenly the patterns throughout their life make sense. What’s even more amazing is seeing that problem disappear. There is a visible, tangible change.
About Emma, our founder
Hi there, want to personally welcome you to the Paddlefish Panda family.
I am an experienced Performance Coach whose mission is to guide you towards achieving unprecedented success.
Ripley, Surrey, UK
+44 (0845) 139-9879
Our Mission
Helping you be the very best version of you
I am unique amongst coaches as:
I have experience of coaching globally
I have over 30 years of commercial experience gained in both public sector and in some of the largest companies in the world
I have coached countless athletes to incredible sporting performances, many who were also holding down demanding professional careers
I am a Master Practitioner of NLP, an NLP Coach and hold other complimentary qualifications
I am a qualified Chartered Management Accountant and have held Chartered Manager status. I have worked in business transformation for in excess of 15 years.
As an athlete I have a long list of achievements and qualifications across multiple sports including several English Channel solo swims and numerous English Channel team swims.
My role as your coach is to unlock your potential. I will hold you to account to the agreements that we make so that you get the results that you want, need and deserve. I use highly effective strategies and interventions to facilitate your achievement of peak performance.
what I find rewarding
I find breakthrough sessions particularly rewarding. There is a moment when they suddenly realise what it is that’s been holding them back. It’s always simple and there’s often a visible change in confidence and stature when we let go of the issue for good. The problem is normally a deeply held limiting belief, that they may logically know is not true, but inside they act as if it is true. Examples have included ‘I am a burden’ and ‘I’m not good enough’. People walk through my door (or onto my screen) with a problem and walk out taller and more confident ready to release their full potential into whichever aspect of their life that they want.
Coaching is another passion. In order to really unleash peak performance we walk through all aspects of life exploring values and what brings out the very best in you to enable you to bring the best of you to every situation.
The list wouldn’t be complete without talking about sports performance. I have enjoyed multiple sports throughout my life with swimming being the one that I’ve done most consistently and for the longest. My achievements are significant. I know what it takes to take on outrageous challenges or improve in small ways every day. I also know how to coach other people to the same success having helped over 1,000 athletes. These athletes are often juggling professional careers too. Imagine bringing that achievement focus to your sporting endeavours and your professional life at the same time. Wouldn’t that be amazing.
Areas that we work in include…
Whether you want to use our tried and tested ‘Get a Life’ year long programme or have bespoke coaching designed for you, we have a solution that works for you.
Are you ready to take your career to the next level?
Motivational Maps can help you measure and improve motivation, performance, productivity, communication and engagement. Igniting the fire within individuals, teams or an entire organisation can be one of the most satisfying things you ever do.
A breakthrough session is a super-charged intensive one day personal or professional coaching session to discover what holds you back – and eliminate it!
Like executive coaching, we work together to progress your big goals, be those sporting, business or career. The format is structured for you. We even have specific packages to support aspiring channel swimmers.
A half-day workshop where you will learn the power of relaxation through hypnosis.
A perfect compliment to worklplace wellbeing programmes.
Many people come to Paddlefish Panda because they already know what success looks like and want more of it. Occasionally things come along that get in the way, hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy can help.
“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not on the branch, but on its own wings. Always believe in yourself.”